I heard a poem today
that really made me think.
bestiary" - by Joanna Macy. Search it on Google.. Pretty heavy stuff.
I'm not sure that
"global warming" is actually a man made thing or if it's a cycle of
earth. I'm not a scientist. I do know that data is easily manipulated to make
it look like one thing or another though, for or against…
Now, with that being
said, I also think we need to acknowledge that SOMETHING is going on climate
wise, regardless of who or what is causing it.
We as humans have a
terrible superiority complex. Razing the earth for all its worth… I'm not some
big eco-warrior. I just think we need to stop and look at things a bit. We can
do things to help the planet. We can be more aware of recycling, using less fossil
fuels and trying to pollute less. Because when it comes down to it, it's not
about USA or UK or Uganda or what ever country your from, it's about being part
of the planet. And it's not just about humans… since we appear to be the most
sentient beings on the planet, we should be stewards of the planet. If we kill
this place, where do we go? Ya know?
I don't normally get
riled up about stuff, not like this at least. But I just had to get it out
there, and off my chest. We can do better… and we should…
Ok, off the soap
What else… hmm…
My Art Journal is a bit larger thank my
scanner can handle but you get the gist of it. |
Spent an awesome
afternoon with my Brother, Sister-in-law and nieces and had a nice phone chat
with my best friend yesterday.
I hope everyone has
a great week!