Monday, October 22, 2012

Diva's weekly challenge and Glaze pens!

There's a button over there on the right for the Diva's weekly challenge. I finally got up the courage to try my hand at one.

Diva's Weekly Challenge #91, using:
Flutter, Mooka, Dooleedo, Jetties, Bannah,  Munchkin (Kindof),  Ambler, (K)Nightsbridge and Shattuck
A striped Zentangle!

Flutter is only "so-so" and Ambler got squished at the end, but over all I'm pretty pleased with my first try at one of the Challenges!

I don't have zentangle tiles, so I free handed a roughly 4 inch square in my sketch book.

Also, Hubby got me a set of Sakura Glaze pens by surprise over the weekend. They are pretty dang cool. So far I've only used them on paper, but I can imagine how neat they would be on plastic. I see sun catchers in my future.

Here's my first major black paper undertaking:

It didn't scan super well, to show off the glaze pens on the black. They actually show up pretty well. (the yellow is the only one that doesn't, in real life at least. Most of the colors look black in the scan but they are definitely color in standard room lighting. I need to explore shading with white charcoal more...

And here's a white paper piece:

If I could get the scan to show the depth! The glaze pens do make a 3D look, though they warn against porous surfaces because it sucks the ink in some. All the little dots stand up in the above ZIA. I even colored all the "pearlz" with the clear glaze pen after shading. Definitely a neato addition to my Arsenal of Color. (in other words, my pen, marker, pencil and such stash)

Have a great week!


  1. Love the "lines" of tangles! Looks like you've been busy drawing other tangles too..very cool!

  2. Your stripes are perfect! Love how you have given the piece so much character!

  3. Glad you decided to join the Diva's challenge. Your striped work is well done and your Zendala is amazing. Great color.

  4. Welcome! Lovely tile, and I especially like how you have used 'mooka' in a stripe.

  5. I think all of your pieces are just awesome, love the colors! You might find taking a photo of your work shows more of the colors and depth, just a suggestion, they look great to me.

  6. You did great! I hope to see more of you here!

  7. Your stripes are lovely and crisp looking - you did very well and glad you decided to post. I love your zendala flower, it is very beautiful, the glaze pens came up very well, superb!

  8. Glad you decided to join us; you will find yourself hooked very easily. You did a great job on all the tiles in this post, and I think the stripes are great.

  9. Your pieces are gorgeous! I love the black with the glazes.

    1. Thank you you everyone. I'm overwhelmed! :) I appreciate all the kind words. I'm really thankful for your feedback. And, I can't stop grinning!

  10. Really well done! Congrats! I love all of them. The Zendala is superb! I love the way the "marbles" roll along the top of the words in your Stripes.

  11. Your stripes are great. Your Mooka really draws my eye, as it's so well drawn, and a tangle that I really struggle with personally.
    The Ambler works really well too... must give it a try.
